Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ateneo Australs 2008 Motions

Round 1: Conflict Zones
That the UN should hire mercenaries for military operations.
That African states should recognize Tsvangirai as the rightful leader of Zimbabwe.
That we would respect China's right to prosecute foreign athletes who protest at the Beijing Olympics.

Round 2: Sin
That we would ban groups that glorify obesity.
That governments should not take any action to discourage individuals from smoking.
That problem gamblers should have their welfare payments suspended.

Round 3: Philippines
That we should end US involvement in fighting terrorism in Southern Mindanao.
That we have had enough People Power revolutions.
That the Philippines should adopt Chavez-style land reforms.

Round 4: Business and Trade
That corporate regulators should have veto power over executive bonuses.
That we would protect nationally important companies from ownership by foreign government entities.
That the WTO should abandon consensus voting as the basis for decision-making.

Round 5: Sustainable Development
That areas of high ecological value should be returned to indigenous peoples for management.
That arable lands should not be used for growing crops for bio-fuels.
That individuals should be given carbon quotas.

Round 6: Bois and Grrrls
That we would create separate units for gays in the military.
That governments should ban groups that seek to 'straighten out' gay men and women.
That we would allow minors to have sex change operations.

Round 7: Science and Tech
That all state-funded projects should be open source.
That genetic research that attributes negative traits to particular races should not be published.
That nations should be able to charge licensing fees for the use of genetic information from their native plants and animals.

Round 8: Democracy
That candidates should be disallowed from using their own money to finance their campaigns.
That the West should cease pressuring transitioning democracies to hold elections.
That we would abolish political parties.

Women's debate
That pre and post op transsexuals should be allowed into women-only organizations.

ESL Semi Finals: Immigration
That industrialized nations should be forced to accept climate change refugees.
That states should remove all restrictions against the immigration of HIV-infected people.
That medical workers from developing countries should not be allowed to migrate to the developed world.

ESL Final: Energy
That the price of petrol should be determined entirely by the market.
That we would drill for oil in the arctic circle.
That the production of non-hybrid cars should be stopped.

Octo Finals: Health
That hymen reconstruction surgeries should be banned.
That IVF clinics should be stopped from implanting embryos known to have disabilities.
That all restrictions on the advertising of prescription drugs should be removed.

Quarter Finals: US Racial Politics
That we should vote for Barack Obama on the basis of his race.
That low-income ethnic neighborhoods should be protected from gentrification.
That Latinos should have the right to be taught in Spanish.

Semi Finals: Pedophilia
That we would abolish the crime of statutory rape.
That police officers should be banned from posing as children on the internet to catch pedophiles.
That capital punishment should be allowed in cases of child rape.

Grand Final: Weapons
That international institutions should use force to restrict the sale of small arms to African nations.
That gun ownership should be restricted to law enforcement agencies.
That we should rely on mutual assured destruction rather than on nuclear non-proliferation.

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